Animal Totem Workshop March 15-17,2024 This is a weekend to learn about your Sacred Animal Totems, the keepers of balance, harmony, and naturalness! Many of us have had pivotal moments in our life when an animal showed itself to us and became an ally or totem to assist us in our human journey. Kelly Jumping Mouse and Michael Star Dreamer will guide participants during this special weekend.
This workshop presents teachings from the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path and will connect you with your birth animal totems according to Sun Bear’s “Earth Astrology”.
Friday evening we gather together with our intent as humans learning about the animal world and the gifts they offer.
Saturday you will experience a “drumming down” ceremony to meet your circle of animal totems and search for your center power animal. These animals become lifelong allies.
Saturday evening is craft time! You learn how to create a medicine shield that portrays your personal circle of animals, and/or make a personal bundle. These items are needed for the Eagle dance we hold in May, if you plan to participate.
Sunday you have time for a nature walk and participate in a purification lodge to deepen your connection with your animal allies and celebrate the Spring Equinox with our greater community.
The weekend includes teachings, ceremony, and 2 nights of lodging! Cost: $175 RSVP to Kelly & Register here
March 30th Mushroom Inoculation Workshop - We have room for 5 more particpants! Come learn how to cultivate your own healthy, delicious shiitake and oyster mushrooms outdoors on logs.
We will cover tree selection and harvesting.
Spawn selection and how to inoculate logs.
Log placement and care for longevity and successful fruiting, harvesting and preserving mushrooms and much more.
This is a hands-on workshop. You’ll get to inoculate (drill, fill and wax) a log and take it home with you. You’ll gain all the knowledge and skills needed to make more logs.
Workshop led by Christina Morrison and Virgil Ryan. They have a gourmet and medicinal mushroom farm in Yancey County and have provided their region with shiitake, oyster, and foraged mushrooms since 2013. They have experience growing many varieties of shiitake for fruiting in all four seasons and different climates.
Registration - $75 RSVP to Christina Morrison
April 13th @ Noon-6pm - Violet & Sassafras Infusion Workshop Join Aranyani Notestine at Spirit Canoe Lodge as she teaches how to make wild-harvested herbal infusions. Aranyani is a self taught herbalist of five years, and an experienced forager and medicine maker. Spring is the time for violets, and a great time to harvest sassafras roots to create long-lasting tinctures with multiple health benefits. We will discuss the gifts of these plants during our day together.
During this workshop we will gather together to roam the property, gathering violet flowers and harvesting sassafras roots from the trees growing on the mountainside. We may find other wild herbs peaking out too! We will keep our eyes peeled for morels also!
Aranyani will teach you how to create your own herbal tincture that can be used in craft cocktails or taken as medicine whenever needed.
We will also enjoy brewing up some sassafras tea while we craft our tinctures in the greenhouse.
Please bring your own bottle of 80 proof vodka, a gathering basket or bowl, and glass jars with lids. We will provide the instructions, labels, and other essential items so that you can walk away with your very own wild-harvested medicine that will last up to two years.
Medicine making Craft Day, April 15th 12-5pm Eagle Dance preparations can often feel mysterious and overwhelming, so we are gathering to support Eagle Dancers in crafting their ceremonial items for Eagle Dance. It is recommended that one start preparations 2-4 weeks in advance of the ceremony.
Here is what we will be doing:
Learn to make your own Shamanic Shield. You will learn your circle of birth sitting place animals to create your first shield.
What is a Forked Pole and how to make one.
Guidelines for making Turkey Whistles and Plumes honoring the give away of the birds. Order kits through the links.
Hokkshideh (protection) Bundles. These align you with the worlds and powers of Grandmother Earth and protect your own essence when wearing.
What is Regalia and how do you create your own ceremonial clothing.
Cost: Hokkshideh Bundle materials & blessing ceremony 20$ Donations
Bring your own materials for Fan making, Shield making or any other craft project you would like to work on that day! You may cut saplings from the land to create a hoop for the Shield. We do have a leather punch, glue, and other simple supplies to share.
I’ll send more info when you RSVP.
Eagle Dance - May 17-19 Our personal and collective prayers are danced to the center tree. The “tree of life” acts as an antenna to spirit as we pray for guidance from the Universe in the coming year. Drummer singers maintain the heartbeat on a pow-wow drum that keeps our feet and spirit dancing…for up to 10 hours! If you are new to the dance there is much preparation so contact Kelly for details about joining our 3rd annual Eagle Dance!