Chinese New Year Feast 2024 & Spirit Canoe Lodge
Gather with the Spirit Canoe Lodge Community for an afternoon of fun and good fortune as we celebrate Chinese New Year-The Year of the Wood Dragon. As the luckiest and most auspicious of the 12 animals, the dragon is thought to signify unprecedented opportunities. In a dragon year, people are said to be able to harness the creature’s intelligence, leadership and abilities to pursue their dreams with creativity, passion, courage and confidence.
Date: Saturday, February 10
Time: 2-7pm
2pm-Gather for celebratory cocktails and mocktails. BYOB
3pm-Our feast begins. Bring your favorite Asian dish to share that has been prepared ahead of time. The stove is available for reheating.
Dress for good luck: In the year of the dragon wear Red or Emerald Green (dragon scale colors) clothing to bring good luck all year long.
Fortunes-Kelly will be offering her basket of auspicious fortunes!
Games and Crafts and community shaking off the winter doldrums..
Prayer Bundle Making-Set your intentions for new beginnings.
*If the weather is challenging or you just want to spend time at the lodge, you may book a bed or a room overnight. Contact Kelly prior.
February 11th we will be repairing the Lodge from snow damage, for those of you staying over we could use your help. RSVP for directions to the lodge.
March 15-17th, Animal Totem Workshop - This is the weekend to learn about your Sacred Animal Totems, the keepers of balance, harmony, and naturalness! They hold a special place in our subconscious of the many ways we have honored and feared them. Many of us have had pivotal moments in our life when an animal showed itself to us and became an ally or totem to assist us in our human journey. This workshop will connect you with your birth animal totems according to Sun Bear’s “Earth Astrology”. You will experience a “drumming down” ceremony to meet your circle of animal totems and search for your center power animal. This weekend includes teachings, ceremony, and 2 nights of lodging! Register here
Welcome SCL New Caretakers! Yani and David have moved into the new property just down the road to help me care for SCL!! Please give them a big welcome next time you are here and get the chance to meet them. I’m very grateful to have this help! They have their own business offering herbal products and wellness coaching. Right now they are offering 25$ Reki sessions in February. Contact them here:
March 17th, Community Spring Equinox Lodge - See the details here
March 30th Mushroom Inoculation Workshop - The above photo is the fruit of our labor from last year’s workshop! Oyster mushrooms…. the shitake logs have barely begun to fruit. RSVP to Christina Morrison who is leading the workshop.
Eagle Dance - May 17-19 Our personal and collective prayers are danced to the center tree. The “tree of life” acts as an antenna to spirit as we pray for guidance from the Universe in the coming year. Drummer singers maintain the heartbeat on a pow-wow drum that keeps our feet and spirit dancing…for up to 10 hours! If you are new to the dance there is much preparation so contact Kelly for details about joining our 3rd annual Eagle Dance!