Aligning with the Seasons….
Fall sits in the North of our medicine wheel. The element of air, wisdom, knowledge, logic (our mental aspect), and the animal world all sit North. Winds of change are the season for clearing out our mental aspect and bringing us clarity and flexibility in our mind. Being open minded and receptive with our mind is in proper alignment with the element of air. Ever been on a mountaintop or even your own backyard with the relentless wind in your face? Just as it clears the leaves from trees and freshens the air it moves the dusty negative inner dialogue from our mind…if we allow it. It is refreshing! Most often we try to figure out how things fit into our beliefs or cultural dos and don’ts before we make decisions rather than from what our spirit and soul is hungry for…is that so wise? More often than not we decide to NOT listen to our intuition or guidance from spirit that is calling us to a different or alternative choice. A choice that may make others frown or question our sanity…To hell with that! Let’s enjoy life as much as we can and feed our true hungers. Life has so many challenges to face and those challenges are teaching us to go for the more make change our ally and choose to be happy. To heck with what anyone thinks! We might all ask “What would my higher self say about that?” Spirit speaks in gentle and loving voices to us, so if you are hearing a voice pointing a critical finger at you…that is not the voice I’d listen to :)
Full Moon Harvest Purification Lodge October 9th @ 2pm I am only taking new rsvps for the waitlist if folks cancel I will let you know. RSVP to Kelly We have so many new folks attending which tells me the shifts in the world are opening up and many are reaching out and searching for alternative healing. Pay attention to the events happening in your personal world right now. Meeting challenges head on (rather than procrastinating about them if you are indecisive) helps keep the doorway open for quicker change. The full moon will be direct around 4:30pm when we are in the lodge or coming out! Lots of opportunity for massive change and reality checks about the inner shadow and light.... that our shadow protects. We each carry a unique gift the collective needs. Even if you cannot attend use the full moon energy!
Forest Medicinal Work Weekend Oct. 21-23 Join us in putting the native medicinal gardens to sleep for winter. We will be preparing new beds on the forest hillside and planting seeds, native rootlets, and much more for spring sprouting! Contribute a few hours or come for the weekend. Let me know if you would like to lend a hand. Susan, our new Sanctuary director will be leading our work and sharing her knowledge of forest natives. RSVP Kelly
Tuesday October 25th, @ 7PM, New Moon Crone Gathering Zoom Women who are 54+ years old are welcome to this event, the wise blood time. As we age the elders say that “our beauty steals inward”. Women 54+ are welcome. Our work is to dream the success of future generations and re-establish the importance and respect of the elders within our cultures. The magic we do as grandmothers is deeply needed within our communities. Our time together will include a purification lodge. Please check in with Kelly in order to be prepared for the lodge.
No Cost: RSVP to Kelly
Ancestor Honoring Purification Lodge, November 6th @ 2PM This November Beaver or Frost Full Moon on November 8 falls near All Souls Day usually around Nov. 2nd also known as the "Day of the Dead" a celebration of our loved ones that have crossed over. This lodge will celebrate the human path and all who have traversed it. We acknowledge that the growth we attain in this lifetime heals and supports the past and future 7 generations and that death is part of the process of life! RSVP here
Invitation to SMSD teaching series Zoom, November 15th @ 7-8pm In this FREE in person/virtual meeting you are invited to join us to voice your availability in 2023 for a new teaching series that we have once a month for 4 months. We will choose our dates based on your availability and ease. We will be working with the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path Course of Study Series A. These are the basic keys and wheels teachings and each one includes a fun personal ceremony. You will need to purchase the book either online or from Kelly in person. There may also be other items to stalk for your ceremonies. Please join us and bring your 2023 calendars and questions! RSVP here for the zoom link
Fees for this Series: 4 sessions is $40 + $15 for the book = $55.
November 19th @ 10-4pm Craft Day Fall Craft Day is an opportunity to gather in community and create medicine items, such as shields, smudging fans, bundles, prayer ties, and more. Contact Kelly for more information. The above shield was made by Theresa Haislip for the Eagle Dance last spring!
Winter Solstice Purification Lodge Ceremony December 17th @ 4PM Join us for the last gathering of 2022. Bring a gift to exchange and a potluck dish for sharing. NEWCOMERS, plan to come an hour earlier for orientation. RSVP here
Visit our calendar for more events! coming up in 2023