Crystal Planting Ceremony for SMSD Lodges!
I only recently have returned from my annual ceremonial time in Arizona and well….what can I say it’s so good to be home in the Blue Ridge and my own comfy bed. Several of us at the Dance participated in a Crystal Planting Ceremony to support the growth of our Lodges from all over the planet. 60 crystals each representing a Sweet Medicine SunDance Lodge were planted in between the Tree Arbor and the Water Arbor. Prayer Flags imbued with the dreams of each lodge were hung on top of the mesa that overlooks our ceremonial land. The word from Spirit is that we will have many new seekers searching for spiritual and community connections in these wobbly times. The dance was a dream full of hard work, personal edges of maturity, and a new dream is birthed to sustain our endeavors in the coming year. The star seeds released from the tree of life will hit their mark as needed. We will be ready for whatever may come!
Juice Fast & Purification Lodge Retreat July 15-17 There is room for a couple more participants! Get a boost from the group dynamic to change food habits. Juice cleanses are shown to heal medical conditions and reduce the need for pharmaceuticals to fix our symptoms. A cleanse can bring greater clarity and increase our will to incorporate healthier eating habits. When we make changes with the support of others it is much easier than starting something on our own. We gather Friday evening to set our intent. The weekend will be filled with juicing, lymphatic shaking/dancing, meditation, QiGong with Sybil, sharing circles, and personal ceremonial time on the land. Both women and men are welcome to this event. Saturday evening we will have an optional Purification Lodge to further purify our heart, body, mind, and spirit.
$150 includes 2 nights of lodging. To save costs people will be given a produce list to bring for communal juicing. SCL gives one scholarship to each event to participants in financial need. There is no charge for the purification lodge. Please bring gifts for Kelly and the fire crew to bring balance for the ceremony. RSVP here with a deposit to reserve your space.
August 5-8, 2022 Maneuvering Transitions in the 5th World
Friday, August 5th @ 6PM We welcome Sweet Medicine SunDance Elder, Mary Lightening Strikes Twice to SCL! She will present a lineage address about humanity’s transition into the 5th world. The times they are a changing…even faster than before. Humanity is taking a big leap and it feels like there is not much to hold on to. The old structures in our world are disintegrating and the new way is not yet in place. Social and political extremes are the norm and yet there is a feeling of excitement that we are on the precipice of something huge. There are so many distractions keeping us from seeing that happiness, health, humor, hope, and harmony are truly within reach. Sound familiar?! Want to learn how to navigate it better? Join us for a new look at our changing reality and why we are here now. For those of you who have not met any of my teachers from Arizona this will be a unique opportunity to meet an amazing mentor. Cost $30 Register here.
Mayan Book of Life Readings with Mary will be available Friday afternoon, Sunday morning, and Monday morning. A book of life reading offers an annual reflection of guidance that highlights your focus, challenges, and potential opportunities in the coming year. Mary quickly pierces the veil to reveal what your higher self is asking of you. Cost $160. Please bring payment in cash or check to Mary directly. Also, bring an audio recording device to record your appointment (phone, personal dictation, etc.). Reserve your appointment here.
Lodging for the weekend or specific days: The Lodge will fill up so plan ahead. 25$/per person/night. Camping is an option for 20$ land use donation. Reserve lodging
Saturday, August 6th @ 9AM- 8PM Transitions into the 5th World
A Personal Rites of Passage to Honor our Transition into the 5th World by recognizing and acknowledging our Transformations. Seminar from Mary Whispering Snow and Kelly Jumping Mouse.
Spend the day exploring our natural cycles and how they can empower our movement into the Fifth World. We will be breaking into smaller groups to investigate how the Universe provides us with unique opportunities based on our age. A specially designed personal Rites of Passage ceremony, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their past, claim what is present and take their vision into the future with the support of all the Worlds of Grandmother Earth.
9am-12pm Teachings & Moon Cycle (includes small group workings)
12-1pm Lunch (bring a bag lunch)
1-3pm Ceremonial instructions & send off
3-7pm Nature Walk Talk Ceremony
7pm Dinner (Pie on the Mountain pizza & salad or bring your own dinner)
8pm Debrief & time with our mentors at the Campfire
Cost $125 ($140 to include dinner) Register
Sunday August 7th @ 2PM: Kelly’s 60 year Rite of Passage. This is an Honoring of the Elder ceremony, which is a purification lodge poured by Mary Lightning Strikes Twice. If you are attending the full weekend you are invited to help on the fire crew, participate on the inside or outside of the lodge, or take the afternoon off. For more more information on this event, contact Mary ND at
Saturday, Aug 27-28, New Moon Crone Gathering
Women who are 54+ years old are welcome to this event, the wise blood time. As we age the elders say that “our beauty steals inward”. Women 54+ are welcome. Our work is to dream the success of future generations and re-establish the importance and respect of the elders within our cultures. The magic we do as grandmothers is deeply needed within our communities. Our time together will include a purification lodge. Please check in with Kelly in order to be prepared for the lodge.
No Cost: RSVP to Kelly Donations for Lodging
There is no charge for ceremony however cash donations and medicine gifts for Kelly and the fire crew are requested to cover the costs and create balance for what you receive.
Visit our calendar for more events! coming up the rest of the year.