The starkness of winter can be a beautiful time. Bare branched skeletons on the mountain ridge holding their own against cold relentless wind. The wind makes them stronger as roots grip firmly to their rocky home. A clear indigo sky hosts shimmering jewels holding presence, mystery, and seeds of hope. Cozy in my bed, the howling wind is my night time meditation. A sliver of moon moves west across my window pane down through branches on the horizon and into another’s view a continent away from me. Bearing the seasons of life is full of surrender and quiet joys. Join us for the last gathering of 2024 with other like minded souls.
Solstice Purification Lodge, December 21 @ 1PM Join us for the last gathering of 2024. Bring a wrapped gift to exchange and a potluck dish for sharing. Newcomers arrive at Noon for a full orientation. RSVP Kelly
Winter Solstice is a special time to align with the season of Winter. This year's ceremony falls on the exact day this year! The shortest day of the year is a message to begin slowing down. I can hear many of you snickering inside "slow down? right..." in this world that only seems to be speeding up. However, when we slow down we actually increase our presence and ability to see more accurately the world as it objectively exists. With greater presence we see more clearly the choices that serve our higher good rather than moving so fast that we act in haste. The deep dark dreaming space of winter lets us gestate our desires without yet taking action. Spring encourages those dreams to awaken.
Shamanic Purification Lodges are a sacred ceremony that is open to all men and women that desire to connect with the elements, the worlds of Grandmother Earth, to pray (for self, life and others), to purify (emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually), and who choose to grow and evolve as humans. The alchemy of this ceremony creates a safe space for us to let go of what no longer serves us and connect with Spirit to receive guidance and healing. Come join us in a circle of reflections that we can make a jump in our evolution on a personal and collective level. There will be a potluck after the ceremony.
There is no charge for the ceremony. Donations or an energy exchange for lodge maintenance are appreciated. *If you are new to the Sweet Medicine SunDance path purification lodge, you must RSVP to receive the protocols about how to prepare for this ceremony.