Our ecstatic ceremonial dance will be under the almost full moon of August. We will be honoring the 5 Elements and 5 Worlds of Grandmother Earth and how we as humans must come into greater alignment with them . The dance is meant to be a prayerful, internal connection with ourselves and nature to gain greater insight and harmony. As we develop a closer and caring relationship with nature, we find the solutions we seek are all around us in support! In a world seemingly gone mad there is one thing we can do that will make a difference now….DANCE! Being part of the change does not always have to be hard work :) This will be a joyful evening! Dancers please arrive no later than 6PM. This will be a substance free event.
Matt Wasson will be our DJ for the dance. He brings his 5 Rhythms musical expertise and creativity with a soulful beat to connect our spirits, get our feet moving, and seduce our body to move without thinking. Matt is tailoring a dance set for each of the 5 Elements & 5 Worlds. Be prepared to dance 5 - 40 minute sets! 200 minutes of ecstasy with nature!
Costumes Encouraged: Please wear regalia with a nature theme! We are mending our communication lines with the worlds of GME and honoring the plant, animal, mineral, human, and spirit world (ancestors). Ideas include…weather & elemental spirits, animal totems, fairy and gnome realm, mythological creatures (dragon, mermaid, etc…)
Cost: 20-40$ sliding scale donation. Donate your time to help prepare the arbor space and dance free! Details about what to bring and dance location are sent out once you RSVP
Optional: A Full Moon Purification lodge will be held on Sunday @ Noon the following day. RSVP for lodging or camping if you decide to stay over for one or both events.
Full Moon Purification Lodge, August 18th @ Noon - This Lodge is on Sunday after the Spirit Dance. Please RSVP if you are attending one or both ceremonies. There will be a limit of 25 participants. Newcomers arrive at 11am
Sister Moon is an integral part of our life on Grandmother Earth. The moon rotates around the earth. Her face is lit by Grandfather Sun. The earth’s shadow creates the moon phases in this magical rotation. You could say she sees everything and knows everything as she witnesses our daily rotation. Humanity is deeply impacted from this relationship. Women’s fertility cycles align with her, optimal planting times have historically been practiced, and our planet’s water masses ebb and recede with her gravitational pull. The full moon is the peak energy of the last 28/29 days of our life. A lot has happened, a lot has been exposed, and as we look ahead…there is much to plan for. Bring to our gathering what has been exposed within you this past month, this past season, and the willingness to continue on into the unknown with hope, faith, and trust.
Shamanic Purification Lodges in the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path are a sacred ceremony open to all men and women that desire to connect with the elements, the worlds of Grandmother Earth, to pray (for self, life and others), to purify (emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually), and who choose to grow and evolve as humans. The alchemy of this ceremony creates a safe space for us to let go of what no longer serves us and connect with Spirit to receive guidance and healing. We come together that we can make a jump in our evolution on a personal and collective level. There will be a potluck after the ceremony.
There is no charge for the ceremony. Donations or energy exchange plus tobacco for Kelly and the fire crew are a necessary part of participation. If you are new to our purification lodge, you must RSVP to receive the protocols that prepare you for this ceremony. If you are new to this ceremony please arrive one hour earlier for a full orientation.
I look forward to the pleasure of your company! Kelly Jumping Mouse