Eagle Dance May 17-19 We will be dancing in a sacred way to the “tree of life”, asking Spirit to guide our life walk. The “tree of life” acts as an antenna to spirit as we pray for guidance from the Universe in the coming year. Drummer singers maintain the heartbeat on a pow-wow drum during the entire dance and maintain the energy for us as we dance back and forth to the center tree. The drum does not stop until we are complete! The Dance allows prayers for manifesting a personal intent and boosting collective change. All the children of Grandmother Earth need this energy more than ever. We also pray to bring our beauty and purpose into the world around us. This is a dance from noon to sunset. During the dance we will be fasting. Drinking water is optional and recommended.
There are many details and preparations, but I'm dedicated to helping you prepare if you have the call to dance. Contact me directly Kelly@SpiritCanoeLodge.org and I will send you the full information!
This Dance is from the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path in which I've apprenticed for the last 29 years. Eagle Dance is a one day ceremony that can change your life in surprising ways, activate your personal dream, and connect you with community.
If you would like to support the dance we also need your help! Events like these take many hands and hours of preparation.
SCL events through June! See website for more summer events!
May 17-19 Eagle Dance! align with Grandfather Sun
June 1st Garden Gala Fundraiser! celebrate our new galactic greenhouse and forest medicinal gardens with music, dance, auctions!
SCL EVENT OF THE YEAR! June 1st Garden Gala!