Winter Solstice is quickly approaching. The shortest day and the longest night of our calendar year is a time of soul searching and looking within…a perfect time to reflect on the past year of experiences. 2023 has not been an easy ride for many of us. There is a constant demand to meet new challenges and move through them in order to upgrade, or meet the energy, and roll with the changes. Many of our friends and family have departed. Our personal paths have diverged from those we were once close with…and unexpectedly converged with others we now feel kinship with. There is much grief in our world right now. Why must the lessons of humanity be so painful? Does the inner war we wage against ourselves manifest in the outer war we wage against others? Now is the season to have peace within, to anchor in the knowing that the good within each of us has value and with practice that good will transform the world. How to do this is always the question. If it was easy we would all be enlightened and the world would be a safe and peaceful planet. Over the years of “self help” study, I remember reading a quote addressing this paradox: “LIVE THE QUESTION.” Think about what this means to YOU. What in your life causes struggle or pain? To live without the answer or the cure? And yet to live each day with reverence knowing your thoughts, feelings, and actions are part of the answer. Live with peace in your heart, mind, and spirit…. to the best of your ability. Train yourself to catch those “less than” thoughts and turn them around. Think about what you are excited about creating in these wild times of change…. and then do them! Make happiness a priority in 2024! It’s easier than we think…
Community is about coming together to support and be supported. At SCL something is changing…. I’m not totally sure what it is yet, but I feel that people want and need to have more connection. To contribute to something that matters can make all the difference in a person’s life. The Lodge always has projects going on: Green burial project, completion of the greenhouse, the forest medicinal garden, land planning, ceremonial space… Let us know what you are hungry for! Nurture your spirit’s desire of community. Take a respite at the Lodge and donate time to one of our projects that inspires you. Hang out with others who want to make a difference. You will nurture each other and more… The land at Spirit Canoe Lodge always fills our cups. We want to support your dreams as you support ours.
Winter Solstice Purification Lodge & Gift Exchange - December 17th @ 1PM We look forward to being together to complete 2023… and we have a full house already! If you’d like to be on the wait list please check in with Kelly to see if there have been any cancellations. New folks please arrive by 12:00 noon for orientation. A short teaching on Gift giving and Tithing begins at 1pm. Gift exchange and Potluck follows the lodge. No charge for ceremony. Gifts and donations for Kelly and the fire crew are requested.
Wise Women’s Winter Gathering - January 12-14 (11th for Crones and Monday the 15th optional for all) : This year we are exploring the Maiden-Matriarch-Crone wisdom! Crones ( 54 +) arrive on Thursday January 11th for craftyness and top secret stuff. Women 18+ are welcome Friday evening! A purification Lodge is optional at no additional cost. Gifts requested for Kelly & the fire crew. RSVP Cost $150/includes 2 nights lodging, add 25$/extra per night stay.
Beginning Medicine Teachings: I'm happy to be sharing the foundational knowledge of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. These simple wheels create the foundation upon which many...maybe even ...hundreds of subsequent wheels can be overlaid upon. The beauty of how these overlays work together becomes apparent the deeper you dive into these teachings. After many years of study I come back time and again to this basic knowledge. It has changed my life and is always there when I need help to shift my perspective and find alignment with a particular element or power.
This is a Series of 4 Sessions once a month. January 30, February 27, March 26, April 30. Register on the SCL Shoppe page or make arrangements with Kelly.
Place your order for your $15 workbook by the January 15th here.
March 15-17th, Animal Totem Workshop - For more info see our calendar here
March 17th, Community Spring Equinox Lodge - See the details here
March 30th Mushroom Inoculation Workshop - The above photo is the fruit of our labor from last year’s workshop! Oyster mushrooms…. the shitake logs have barely begun to fruit. RSVP to Christina Morrison who is leading the workshop.