Busy Times @ SCL A quick recap of 2023 so far! We hosted a Winter Women’s retreat, Spring Equinox Lodge, Mushroom cultivation class, 4 Beginning Medicine classes, the Lodge Rebuild, our 2nd Eagle Moon Dance, 3 training lodges with Micki, and monthly Crone zooms. We’ve accomplished a lot in the last 6 months! I couldn’t have done it without the help of so many including Ian the last helper at the Lodge. He handled all the heavy lifting and AirBnB housekeeping. He has moved on to a full time job (congratulations!). I am need of a new helper this summer so please let me know if you have any suggestions or can connect me with someone looking for a new situation like this. Check out the links below for more information on events this summer.
Coming up next is our yearly Vision Quest Weekend June 2-4. We have room for a few more if you’d like to get outside of your box and recapitulate your life and shake things up let me know! We will have a Community Purification Lodge on Sunday, June 4th @ noon. RSVP Kelly your place if you’d like to join us. A fire crew is still needed for this lodge to happen contact me if you would like to be of service, thanks!
July 14-16 We are hosting our 3rd annual Juice Fast Retreat. This has been very rewarding each year and an opportunity to slow down, clean out physically, mentally, emotionally, and reconnect with self care.
August 17-20, We welcome back Amara Charles & Shyena for the Evolved Lover Retreat. This gathering is for couples and singles. Click on the link to discover more. Amara has been focusing on relationship coaching for the last several years and her workshops are always fun, passionate, and bring attention to what your spirit is hungry for. You can register on Amara’s site and contact me if you need lodging.
October 12-16 We are hosting Lifestyle Habits & Nutrition for the Long Haul with Mary Vance. A few of you know I’ve been on a journey of losing that covid 19 weight and that I’ve had success with this program so that I know how to get back to a baseline more consistently. If you’ve tried every diet in the world with little success….I highly recommend this program and you can learn it over this long weekend. As a group we always achieve more together. Check out the link for more information and contact me if you are interested! The cost for this retreat will be posted soon and we will do our best to keep it affordable.