Center Illustration by Stayce Leanza, background courtesy Dreamtime images, composite Kelly Clampitt
Time is speeding up again… and yes there IS a Mercury retrograde in attack mode. Visit my recent blog to hear the rant about the speed of life (approaching light speed..maybe that’s the point..the light) The fifth world is happening now and I don’t know about you but the pace of life feels overwhelming. Have you ever said to yourself “I’ll do that when things slow down”? I certainly have and after (almost) 60 years on this planet I finally have learned to stop and really schedule the important things into my life now. If I put it on my calendar it’s more likely to happen. My discovery is that things are not slowing down and in fact are only speeding up. No matter how much time I think I have there are always competing priorities (love this new phrase) that need my attention these days. For instance last week the garage flooded and a swarm of carpenter ants hatched in a guest room that was booked. On the lighter side of chaos a bear stole my entire trashcan never to be seen again, and tried to eat a brand new hot tub cover. Remember to laugh your way through life’s challenges it really does help. The truth is that humanity is getting a much needed upgrade and many of us are having resistance to hitting the “upgrade now” button. Why? Because we know our computer or life will freeze for god knows how long for this update to install and then we have to reboot, restart, and learn an entirely new program. We don’t have time for that right now do we?! AND we can’t afford to no hit that button in theory as our to do list for today is already over the top! Ultimately, if we are able to align with any situation that pops up and fight off the urge to resist or “give up” our life receives an instant mini upgrade. All these little improvements add up to the bigger change we really desire but don’t want to commit to…yet. Alignment with this energy increase is what we are seeking to learn so we don’t burn ourselves out in this massive upgrade. Eagle Dance ceremony can help. I know many of you want to attend but feel overwhelmed with the list of preparations. It is still doable. I am committed to assisting you first time dancers and have extra supplies to make it happen IF you can feel the call I will support you this time. Next time you will know for yourself that it is doable. Contact Kelly to register for Eagle Dance
May 14th Work day preparing the Drum Arbor and setting stone in the east altar and fire pit. Let me know if you can lend a hand. Contact Kelly
May 20-22 Eagle Dance! An Eagle Dance is a one day ceremony. Our personal and collective prayers are danced to the center tree. The “tree of life” acts as an antenna to spirit as we pray for guidance from the Universe in the coming year. Drummer singers maintain the heartbeat on a pow-wow drum from sunrise to sunset and maintain the energy for us as we dance back and forth to the center tree. Dancing keeps us in our bodies and out of our head so we can receive “with care and with clarity” messages from spirit. The people of Grandmother Earth need our prayers. We have chosen to be alive in this special time and humanity is calling us to participate as we bridge the old world into the new one currently emerging. Children are welcome as long as we have extra support to care for them during the day. They will be dancing in the arbor during the afternoon to bring us fresh energy when we need it. Guests are welcome if they contribute to helping support the dance outside the arbor. We will have a dedicated arbor space if a guests wants dance. Guests can also ask specific dancers to dance their prayers for them if they are unable to physically dance themselves. Saturday evening we break our fast and Feast together in celebration. Sunday everyone on the land can participate in a purification lodge for deeper integration. Afterward we all help to take down the arbor and leave the space better than we found it. Dancing back and forth to the center tree creates energy that amps our prayers. The more energy we create together the easier our prayers manifest. An analogy would be how much energy do we actually put into manifesting what we desire? The more we engage with what we want the more likely it is to happen. Prayer can work this way also. Life is a dance. This ceremony can give us the mojo and understanding that when we are tired and feel like we cannot go on…to just get up and dance through the resistance, pain, stories, and feel the love that we are truly supported by the universe to love and be loved. Even when it feels like no one is there for us …grandmother earth is, spirit is, the stars beckon us to believe in the magick we are. Our ancestors who have gone before have our back. Feel the love that is there for us. Yes, dancing for 12 hours is…a life challenge. 24-36 hours of a microcosm of all of life experiences and if we survive we will know we can do so much more. Come give it up and soak in all the love you can give to yourself. So excited and scared to be hosting this for the first time…so is the way of life. Be here with me! From the one to the many and the many to the one. Inspirational soapbox complete.
SCL’s Open House & Native Gardens Gala! June 5th 10-4pm Come visit our native plant and forest medicinal sanctuary. We continue to plant a series of new native plants each year and are excited to see what comes up this spring. We planted 200 new goldenseal rootlets last fall and we want to share this magical space with you! Details will be coming soon.
Join us at this fundraising gala for garden tours, enjoy a serene sit spot in nature, and meander through our sacred forest.
Have a product/service, or time you can volunteer for this event? Contact Kelly.
Our goal is to expand the native and medicinal garden each successive year by creating forest pathways with unique plantings. We need your donations of time and funding to make this happen. If you cannot attend our event and are interested in making a tax deductible donation to Spirit Canoe Lodge: