The path toward greater maturity and ultimately “enlightenment” is one of increasing your perceptions and awareness. Have you ever been in a conversation (or an argument) with someone & realized that you "weren't on the same wavelength"? Have you ever been in the presence of a wise elder, been uplifted by their teachings, only to discover that you can't reclaim those insights the next day? What's going on? Ever wonder what Don Juan's slap on Carlos Castaneda' s back was accomplishing?
Come learn:
- About the Human Assemblage Points & their place within our energy field
- How your assemblage point shapes your perception of reality and impacts your daily life
- Learn techniques to maximize your ability to increase your awareness and shift your perceptions
- Beginning techniques using specially carved crystals to shift our assemblage point and “tune up” our chakras
There are many systems of healing that recognize and work with the chakras. The Twisted Hairs Elders teach that we have 10 of them. Come learn what they are, where they are located, and what impacts them. You will be taught, will experience, & have the opportunity to practice, specific techniques utilizing specially carved crystals. The Twisted Hairs Elders were, & are, masters of understanding the human energy field, detailing more than 45 distinctions. Each one of these contributes to our health, well being & our evolution.
Class cost: $30 or $20 + barter
You may make special arrangements for payment or barter with Michael prior to the class.
RSVP by February 25 to Kelly or Michael
Michael Star Dreamer
Kelly Jumping Mouse