We come together as Brothers to deepen our understanding of the balanced masculine energy. We will share & pray for our hopes, dreams and challenges.
Together, we will purify in the tradition of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path of the Twisted Hairs.
This Ceremony will be led by Michael Star Dreamer, Lodge Leader of Thunder Awakeners Lodge in Chapel Hill. He is a Roadperson of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path and an authorized teacher of Men's Sexuality.
This ceremony will be held at Spirit Canoe Lodge, north of Boone, NC, Kelly Jumping Mouse, Lodge Leader.
Overnight lodging is available. Contact Kelly for details.
There is no charge for this ceremony; contributions to the Lodge and gifts for Michael and the fire crew are requested to maintain balance for what you receive.
Once you RSVP, Kelly or Michael will send out the driving directions and how to prepare for this amazing ceremony! I look forward to sharing time with you!
Please RSVP Kelly at spiritcanoelodge@gmail.com or 336-385-6312 or http://www.meetup.com/Spirit-Canoe-Lodge-Meetup/