Photography by Kelly Clampitt
Personal ceremonial retreats are designed to connect you with nature and find the answers you are looking for. These retreats are designed specifically for the participant’s needs and current life transitions.
Included in a Personal Retreat:
One on one time with Kelly to help (you) determine the desired goal, ceremony, or Rite of Passage needed. Ceremonies will be chosen to help you get to the heart of what must change.
Moon cycle consultation: a look at where you stand in the moon cycles of life (your current age) and what spirit is asking you to align with for your next phase of growth. A recapitulation of life events may be recommended to discern repeating patterns.
Completion circle: A full debrief of the gains from your ceremony, what you now know needs to change, and suggestions for follow up. A Warrior Task Assignment (WTA) may be given in order to implement a behavior change toward your desired goal. Ceremony is just the awakening of what your higher self is calling you to step into; following through with actions to implement necessary change is the true magic that sends you on the journey toward manifesting what you desire.
Follow up on your progress at 3 weeks, 3 months, and one year. Email or phone call.
Schedule your visit near an event or shamanic purification lodge is an option to experience a community ceremony and to integrate your work even more deeply.
Lodging is included so you have time to walk in nature, do your ceremonies, and perhaps even visit local places of interest.
Costs: Our lineage does not charge for ceremony. Medicine gifts and tobacco are traditional gifts given to the Dance Chief of your ceremony that signify your intent and thanks. Gifts are asked to be of equal value for what you have received. Expenses for lodging, consultation, and teachings often average $300-500. Costs will range according to the length of your stay and amount of teachings needed for particular ceremonies. The choice of room is also a factor in the price. Once you confirm a date protocols and information about what to bring and how to prepare will be sent to you.
Contact Kelly for availability and costs.
“As I leave Spirit Canoe Lodge and the company of wise woman Kelly Clampitt, I feel a sense of renewed clarity. The teachings of the Deer Tribe are complex and deep. Kelly has a strong understanding of them and was able to convey meaning to my current struggles as well as clear guidance as to where and how I can focus to move into greater autonomy and strength to face the challenges I currently have in my life. The understanding she gave me and the ceremonies which brought that understanding into my body to be held were more valuable than I can express. I feel connected to my natural self and anchored in a way that will support me for a long time. We all have challenges at times and this way of getting clarity and a depth of support is an opportunity I am grateful for.” ~ Carol
" The afternoon I spent with Kelly was incredibly special. On the porch overlooking the holler, listening to Kelly's insightful observations delivered with her characteristic levity ,accuracy and sincerity I felt many threads coming together. I came away with a new clarity and a renewed inspiration to live my life according to my true nature." ~ Cindy
"I stayed at Spirit Canoe Lodge in late July and it was delightful. Outdoor showers; deep silence with only the sounds of nature; pure spring water to drink from every tap; abundant blueberries to pick each morning for breakfast! It was deeply restorative, and my healing ceremony with Kelly was illuminating and meaningful." ~ Catherine