Friday, August 5th @ 6PM We welcome Sweet Medicine SunDance Elder, Mary Lightening Strikes Twice to SCL! She will present a lineage address about humanity’s transition into the 5th world. The times they are a changing…even faster than before. Humanity is taking a big leap and it feels like there is not much to hold on to. The old structures in our world are disintegrating and the new way is not yet in place. Social and political extremes are the norm and yet there is a feeling of excitement that we are on the precipice of something huge. There are so many distractions keeping us from seeing that happiness, health, humor, hope, and harmony are truly within reach. Sound familiar?! Want to learn how to navigate it better. Join us for a new look at our changing reality and why we are here now. For those of you who have not met any of my teachers from Arizona this will be a unique opportunity to meet an amazing mentor. Cost $30
Mayan Book of Life Readings with Mary will be available Friday afternoon, Sunday morning, and Monday morning. A book of life reading offers an annual reflection of guidance that highlights your focus, challenges, and potential opportunities in the coming year. Mary quickly pierces the veil to reveal what your higher self is asking of you. Cost $160. Please bring payment in cash or check. Also, bring an audio recording device to record your appointment (phone, personal dictation, etc.).
Saturday, August 6th @ 9AM- Transitions into the 5th World
A Personal Rites of Passage to Honor our Transition into the 5th World by recognizing and acknowledging our Transformations. Seminar from Mary Whispering Snow and Kelly Jumping Mouse.
Spend the day exploring our natural cycles and how they can empower our movement into the Fifth World. We will be breaking into smaller groups to investigate how the Universe provides us with unique opportunities based on our age. A specially designed personal Rites of Passage ceremony, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their past, claim what is present and take their vision into the future with the support of all the Worlds of Grandmother Earth.
9am-12pm Teachings & Moon Cycle (includes small group workings)
12-1pm Lunch (bring a bag lunch)
1-3pm Ceremonial instructions & send off
3-7pm Nature Walk Talk Ceremony
7pm Dinner (Pie on the Mountain pizza & salad or bring your own dinner)
8pm Debrief at the Campfire
Sunday August 7th @ 2PM: Kelly’s 60 year Rite of Passage. This is an Honoring of the Elder ceremony, which is a purification lodge poured by Mary Lightning Strikes Twice. If you are attending the full weekend you are invited to help on the fire crew, participate on the inside or outside of the lodge, or take the afternoon off. For more more information on this event, contact Mary ND at
Monday August 8th Healing Ceremony! This is an exciting possibility for our local community to experience one of our most empowering ceremonies. Timing will be determined in the scope of attendance.
The SMSD healing ceremonies can provide the apprentice with a reflection of what they don’t yet see and what needs addressing. This paradigm views health as a dynamic interplay of elemental balance with each of the five aspects of the human - emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and sexual. We look to return to “the before” - the state of elemental balance that existed before we developed sickness-illness-disease. This is our naturalness. Healing is not the eradication of symptoms - it is a way to establish or restore well-being and harmony - including a reconnection to all the Worlds of Grandmother Earth. Our healing is always between ourselves and the Great Spirit - there is no third person. By participating in our healing ceremonies, all are given the opportunity to gain healing and a return to the before!
Ceremony, teachings, and fees: There are no fees for ceremony! We do ask to cover our expenses for hosting this event, providing specific lectures, teachings for the ceremonies, and travel accommodations for our teachers. Medicine gifts and tobacco for those leading ceremonies and supporting this event are appropriate as a way to maintain balance for what is received.
Suggested sliding scale donations are requested between $20-$50 may be paid in person (to support the cost of our weekend and receive an introductory teachings to SMSD healing ceremonies)
RSVP or if you have questions or financial needs please contact Kelly . We do offer 1 scholarship per event.
Mary Minor, “Lightning Strikes Twice”, is a qualified Sweet Medicine SunDance master teacher. Mary is a member of the Hereditary Lineage Leaders and the Medicine Director for the Deer Tribe. Mary delights in spinning the wheels and keys to help people see greater perspectives of themselves. Her use of humor helps all find deeper reflections of self, life and others.
Mary Nelson-Dotson “Whispering Snow” For over a decade, she has trained as a ceremonialist for rites of passage and a much needed honoring of our life cycle from birth to the return to the spirit world. She looks to inspire seekers to find and share their unique beauty through establishing deep connections to the natural rhythms and cycles that guide our dance on Grandmother Earth. Mary is a 25+ year apprentice and student on the Sweet Medicine SunDance path and brings these teachings to all who desire knowledge that works and ultimately to manifest beauty in our world.
Kelly Clampitt “Jumping Mouse” created Spirit Canoe Lodge in 2010 as a sacred space where community could gather together in their desire to “grow corn” on a personal and collective level. Kelly's passion is to inspire others to dig into their shadow, unearth the treasure within, and make their dreams a reality. She has studied and apprenticed within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path of Turtle Island for the last 25 years and has much to share, care, and teach.