This extended weekend is open to apprentices and non-apprentices. This intensive ceremony is open to all seekers as a way to gain maturity, self discipline, and return to your naturalness….. to learn how not be at the affect of situations, tyrants, negative internal dialogue, and social conditioning that often keep us running in the same old karmic patterns. The basic self wants to keep everything the same and live in the comfort of what is life through subjective filters of projection or past experience. The higher self wants to make choices and decisions that bring about our potential, increased levels of consciousness, perception, and objectivity...risking the unknown for a better happier life...ceremony creates a shift in our perceptions that lead to new productive patterns enabling us to manifest the change and beauty we long for.
Vision-quest participants must arrive Friday evening. Michael Star Mountain and Kelly Jumping Mouse will be guiding you in the teachings and ceremonies.
Overnight Vision Quest
A full day of ceremony and overnight vision quest to identify and confront your fears in each of the 8 directions, to accept change as your greatest teacher, to know that you have nothing to fear except fear itself, and to align with your natural self and experience your oneness with the Everything. This first gateway ceremony is an intensive day and you will be taken to the edge of what you “think” you can hold. It is part of the process. You will be fasting for 24 hours, drinking only water. Know that you will survive and what an accomplishment it will be!
We conclude our weekend with a Purification Lodge open to the greater community as well as an integration ceremony for the Questers!
Cost $175/includes one night stay in the lodge, additional nights are $25. Once you RSVP you will be sent the protocols for this ceremony. Gifts and donations are also needed for the Purification Lodge on Sunday.
I look forward to our time together,
Kelly Jumping Mouse
Cell: 818-620-3937
Kelly “Jumping Mouse” Clampitt created Spirit Canoe Lodge in 2010 as a sacred space where community could gather together in their desire to “grow corn” on a personal and collective level. Kelly's passion is to inspire others to dig into their shadow, unearth the treasure within, and make their dreams a reality. Of Chickasaw mixed blood (Métis) heritage, she studied and apprenticed within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path of Turtle Island for the last 20 years. She is honored to caretake this land, to teach and lead ceremonies designed to support others in their desire to grow, evolve, and stand in the center of their own circle of life!
Michael “Star Dreamer” Stein has been teaching about masculinity and relationships since 1996. Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, Michael is a senior Teacher, Medicine Man and Leader of Thunder Awakeners Lodge in Chapel Hill. He is a Certified Trainer of NLP and the Excellence Principle, a Challenge Course facilitator, an Ericksonian style hypnotist and master storyteller. Michael is committed to listen, support and challenge students to discover the Beauty and Power of their natural selves. He is dedicated to modeling the mature masculine.