Dear Sisters
Join a group of women co-empowering each other. Women of all ages are encouraged to attend. The New Moon energy is the perfect time to look inward, clear things out that no longer work, refresh, rejuvenate, and create something new.
Our gatherings will include frank discussions about how to care for ourselves as we care for others, balance of feminine/masculine energies, Sisterhood Mirroring ceremonies, Rites of Passage, and healing techniques. What our future gatherings include is open to discussion before and after the purification lodge.
The different stages of a woman's life hold treasures that can mentor other Sisters in the many phases we each will experience. Aligning with change is the way of the feminine. These gatherings are intended to support natural transitions, cultivate the power we have as women, and to wield that power with grace, strength, and take responsibility for our wounding and heal.
This gathering will include:
Opening calling in the directions
Talking stick about what is needed by women in our community
Purification Lodge
Breakfast & sharing circle
Each Gathering is limited to 20 women sign up early!
First time participants arrive @ 5pm for full orientation of the ceremony
Cost: Suggested donation of 20$ to the Lodge plus gifts for Kelly and the fire crew. Please consider staying over after the lodge for an additional 25$/bed donation. We will put the lodge away Sunday morning and share a breakfast together. Turn your maybees into a YES! Don't wait to decide what you already know you want to do.
I look forward to the pleasure of your company!
Kelly Jumping Mouse