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The July full moon is also known as the "Buck Moon" and "Thunder Moon".  A time when summer storms are frequent and the deer are actively foraging and growing their antlers in preparation for the coming seasons.  Full moons are the zenith of completion of a cycle begun in the last new moon or even further back.  It could be a time to harvest what has been accomplished or a time to purge what is not "growing corn" in your life. Purification Lodges reconnect us to the elements and give us the opportunity to re-balance and listen to spirit and our deepest longings within the soul.  We pray for self, life and others.  Commitment to show up for yourself (as a form of self care) is the most important thing and is the beginning of your ceremony!  Pay attention to what transpires in your world when you make any commitment and follow through with it! that's where the magick starts...

I look forward to the pleasure of your company,
Kelly Jumping Mouse