Wild animals teach us how to be natural and comfortable in our own skin. They do not need therapists nor do they get caught up in dramas around personality and events. They are not living in the past or the future but in the now and they adapt quickly when their situation changes. They teach us how to align with nature, and be more present and receptive in our environments. Join Michael Star Dreamer and Kelly Jumping Mouse in this one day intensive workshop:.
- Learn your birth sitting place and wheel of animal allies according to Sun Bear's Earth Astrology.
- Take a guided journey into the lower world and meet your allies and discover your center power animal.
- Ceremony to accept your animal totems.
- Sweet Medicine Awakening Purification Lodge to integrate and empower each totem to become your ally and teacher in life.
Workshop cost: $75 (we may finish very late in the evening consider adding $25 for an overnight stay) The group will work together during the day to ready the lodge and prepare the stone children stack for the evening purification ceremony. Please bring gifts for the fire crew. Workshop limited to 17.
We may do a Blessing and Awakening ceremony of Shideh bundles for apprentices gathering their animal representations the following day on Sunday or plan it for a later date. Help will be needed the following day to put the lodge coverings away.
RSVP to Kelly: SpiritCanoeLodge@gmail.com