Fully enter into the WOMB of WINTER by giving yourself a “special winter time-out”...This gathering is intended to hold sacred space for each other - to pay attention to the serious inner work we are longing to do but often resist. We are asking that everyone attending join us by Friday evening in time to open the Circle at 7pm - to create the matrix that will hold an atmosphere of intimacy where nothing is held back.
The agenda is open and will come into focus on Friday evening as we design our time together. Many women have a personal vision they are seeding in coming together...so perhaps this is an intent we each share. Women that come together with focused intent create magic!
A few of our tentative activities may include:
Daily yoga and QiQong practices lead by women attending. Body workers may provide services for fees or exchange among participants. We will gather a list of what women will be offering.
Expressive Art day lead by Carol Ann and Vickie Peltz.
Birthing from Within Mandala:
Within each of us lies the beauty of our unique selves, propensities, gifts and talents. Giving birth to this beauty is the great work of our lives. Often our beauty lies hidden within, for many reasons we find we are unable to give this seed shape/form and be made manifest. This activity is intended to help us define, shed light upon and bring to life our unique beauty.
A Sisterhood Empowerment Circle “Mirroring Take-Apart & Put-Back Together “ ceremony for one woman seeking major transition by exploring her shadow and light (let me know if this calls to one of you) it is a deep ceremony and healing reflection for everyone that sits on these circles...
Women's Purification Lodge to clear out the clutter, honor our natural feminine decisiveness, and seed our wombs with creativity and power.
A table will be set up to share/sell your Wise and "Crafty" products: pottery, crafts, personal care products, herbal creations, baked goods, books, music, etc.
Monday is a holiday so if women want to stay through Monday it is optional and a day of relaxation, rejuvenation, and fun to just hang out. We will likely share an intimate dinner Sunday with wine and wildness and continue to share body work on Monday etc....
Cost: Lodging fee. (11 beds available) Donations or Medicine gifts for facilitators, teachings, and ceremonies are requested. Please RSVP for the weekend by messaging Kelly Clampitt or Carol Ann with your email. Include if you will need a Bed $25/nt or Palette $10/nt (you bring). We will provide further details via email.
We look forward to this special "time out" in the heart of winter!
Kelly Jumping Mouse
Carol Ann Badger Woman
Artwork: Visit Emily Balivet's amazing goddess paintings: http://www.emilybalivet.com/Galleries.html